What can I see and do at Griffin Bay State Marine Park?
This Park is on the wide east facing Griffin Bay and is surrounded entirely by private property and water. This means you can only get to the park from the water but nearby beaches and docks give easy access to the rest of San Juan Island. The Park’s few but charming campsites are available only to wind and human powered craft as part of the larger Cascadia Marine Trail plan. However, the lovely beach and picnic areas can be used during the day by anyone cruising by. The small forest that surrounds the park has a very short nature trail but you are unlikely to want to leave the lovely beach.
Where is Griffin Bay State Marine Park?
The Park is just north of Fourth of July Beach and south of Jacksons Beach, either of which would be an excellent launching point for kayakers. Jacksons Beach also has a dock and boat launch if you have a larger boat. The Park is between two beachfront houses but the campsites and large State Park sign can be seen clearly from the water.
When is Griffin Bay State Marine Park open?
The Park is open all year long. There are only a few campsites so in the summer it’s worth making a reservation. This is a particularly fun place to camp on the Island because it’s both convenient and remote. Consider renting kayaks and making the easy paddle right along the coast to a relaxing overnight stay.
How much does Griffin Bay State Marine Park cost?
The camping fees range from about 12-22 dollars and vary seasonally.
Who can I call if I have more questions?
Calling the Washington State Park information line is a good way to get additional information and make reservations. (360) 902-8844.